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首頁 / 合作交流 / 學人宿舍
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  1. 使用規則
    1. 本中心學人宿舍之使用,申請人或(申請單位)請先預先洽合作交流組,轉呈主任核准後,並於總務組登記,俾辦理住宿事宜。
    2. 本宿舍使用以來台從事短期學術研究的教授、專家、學者為原則。
    3. 使用期限以申請時限為準,如逾期請事先辦理延期。
    4. 宿舍內之床單、被套、枕具等用具均由本中心服務人員按時換洗;私人衣物請自行洗滌,本宿舍備洗衣及洪乾機各乙台。
    5. 宿舍內之垃圾清理及清潔維護由本中心派工友每日清理一次,住宿期間請自行保持室內清潔。
    6. 廚房內之廚具、冰箱、水電等免費供應,餐飲自備,使用後之餐、廚具清理及善後工作請自理。
  2. 設備管理及清潔維護
    1. 凡住宿本中心學人宿舍依規定付費,收費按日計算,每日房舍收新台幣壹千元整(如費用調整依新規定);費用請於離開前繳總務組管理人員。
    2. 使用國際或長途電話請至圖書大樓一樓大門右側打投幣式電話,傳真請至本中心郵局洽理,上述二項費用均請自付。
  3. 收費
    1. 本宿舍設立之目的,僅為提供住宿之便利,非一般性之旅館,服務不週之處,敬請原諒。
    2. 洽詢電話:(02)82377209
    3. 學人宿舍申請表
    4. 學人宿舍申請須知
  4. 附記

Information on Visitor Accommodations
The following guidelines are aimed to facilitate the management and maintenance of the lodgings for visiting scholars.

  1. Application procedures
    1. The accommodations are available for visiting professors, specialists, and scholars only.
    2. Any individual or institution applying for accommodations must first obtain approval from the IIR Director. The applicant should fill out the form provided by the IIR Department of General Affairs.
    3. Visitors wishing to extend their stay must submit an application for extension which must be approved by the Director.
    4. Bed linen will be changed regularly by service staff. A washer and dryer are available for personal laundry.
    5. Wastebaskets will be cleaned once a day. Please keep the room tidy and clean.
    6. Kitchen facilities are available free of charge. Please clean up the kitchen after use.
  2. Management and Maintenance
    1. The room rate is NT$1000 per day. This should be paid to the Department of General Affairs upon leaving.
    2. Pay and card phones, suitable for local, long distance, and international calls are available in the first floor lobby. A fax service is available in the IIR post office.
  3. Charges
    1. For further information, please contact Mr. Wu,
      Department of General Affairs (Tel: 886-2-82377208)
  4. Note


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