1212 Lecture: The Russia-Ukraine War on Eastern European Geopolitics
Speaker: Zoltan D. Barany (Frank C. Erwin, Jr. Centennial Professor, the University of Texas at Austin)
Host: Chao-Chi Lin (Director of the International Doctoral Program in Asia-Pacific Studies (IDAS))
Date: 12/12(Thu.)
Time: 12: 30 - 14: 00
Venue: 1st Meeting room, 13F, General Building of Colleges S, NCCU (政⼤綜合院管南棟⼗三樓第一會議室)
Registration: https://forms.gle/ADibTciyWYc451yv8
主辦單位│國⽴政治⼤學 國際關係研究中⼼、政治學系
協辦單位│國⽴政治⼤學 研究發展處、東亞研究所、亞太研究英語博⼠學位學程