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配合國際關係研究中心成立70週年,現正籌備第三屆「統戰工作坊」,誠邀相關專家學者投稿參與,成果將以專刊形式於本中心期刊《中國大陸研究》(TSSCI)或英文期刊Issues & StudiesScopus)出版。




  1. 港澳台辦、僑辦、漢辦、孔子學院等涉外機構之研究;
  2. 針對九種統戰對象的研究:民主黨派、民族宗教人士、港澳台、幹部、商人、知識分子、西藏、新的社會階層人士、與新疆;
  3. 中共中央統戰部、省市地方統戰工作、民間與海外統戰組織等之研究;
  4. 有關中共處理民族與宗教問題的相關研究;尤其歡迎從跨國與國家間比較視角的研究;
  5. 從統戰或是銳實力角度理解「一帶一路」沿線國家與中國關係的相關案例;
  6. 智庫、媒體、出版等與社群經營;「大外宣」或「話語權爭奪」相關之議題;
  7. 理解中國國際影響力的資料處理、田野調查、計量工具等方法論上的探討。


全文初稿繳交截止日期:2023720日。中文字數約1000025000字,請依照《中國大陸研究》格式撰寫,https://reurl.cc/6N7RGO;英文字數約700010000字,請依照Issues & Studies體例撰寫,https://reurl.cc/V8NonR










3rd Annual Research and Writing Workshops for

Chinese United Front Work

Dates: July 29 and December 1s, 2023

Place: The Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan

For celebrating the Institute of International Relations (IIR)’s 70th anniversary, IIR is currently calling for papers that examine the issues of Chinese united front work (tongzhàn) and sharp power. Successful submissions will be presented in one of our workshops and may be invited to be reviewed for publication in the special issue of our quarterly journal, Mainland China Studies (TSSCI) or Issues & Studies (SCOPUS).

The Chinese Communist Party under Xi Jinping’s command has exerted significant global influences by exploiting transnational cooperation projects like Confucius Institute or the “one belt one road” scheme and by manipulating media, religious, and oversea Chinese agencies via the so-called “grand united front work” and/or “grand propaganda” platform. These cases and incidents have provoked concerns in many societies, which involve multi-level, multi-dimensional and cross-disciplinary issues. Understanding these complex issues should be and has been critical to academic researchers and policy-makers; however, the discussion of valid research methods is scarce and the development of useful theories is limited.

Based on the encouraging results from the first two workshops held in 2018 and 2019, which have produced two special issues of Mainland China Studies and few research articles on Issues & Studies, IIR plans to continue to hold the 3rd workshop series on Summer and Winter this year, where we invite experienced scholars to present papers in research panels and hold separate writing panels for junior researchers and students who are interested in studying Chinese united front. 

Proposed Topics:

  1. Issues related to Overseas Chinese Offices, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs Offices, Hanban, Confucius Institutes and other offices dealing with overseas affairs;
  2. Studies on the nine UFW ‘targets’:  Chinese democrats, religious and ethnic minorities, Hong Kong-Macao-Taiwan residents, bureaucrats, businessmen, intellectuals, Tibetans, Uyghurs, and the ‘New Social Stratum’;
  3. Studies on CCP’s Central United Front Work Department, provincial and local united front work activities, and their social and overseas organs;
  4. History, policy, regulations, institutions of religious and ethnic affairs; domestically, transnationally, or comparatively (broadly defined);
  5. Understanding bilateral relationships between China and ‘one-belt-one-road’ countries through the concepts of united front work or sharp power;
  6. Studies on think tanks, social media, publications, or subjects related to agenda setting, public opinion management, CCP’s ‘Grand Foreign Propaganda’ (da wai xuan); or the ‘struggle for the power of discourse’ (huayu quan zheng duo).
  7. Methods and methodology behind processing qualitative or quantitative data on China’s foreign influence operations.

Deadline to submit abstracts: April 30. 2023. The abstract should be between 300 and 800 words. Please include a brief c.v. and send them to Ms. Chiang (cyhung@nccu.edu.tw). We will announce the result before May 10.

Deadline to submit the full paper: July 20, 2023. The paper should be between 7000 and 10000 words in English, or 10000 to 25000 words in Chinese. English format guides please see: https://reurl.cc/V8NonR. MCS please refer to https://reurl.cc/6N7RGO

Live+ Workshops: July 29 and December 1, 2023. Depending on topics, authors will be assigned into two workshops and IIR will invite internationally recognized scholars to host these events and provide constructive feedbacks for manuscript revision. In-person participation is preferred, but on-line presentation can be arranged. Workshop dates are tentative and will be confirmed after May 10.

Workshop Contact

IIR Director Dr. Chien-wen Kou & Organizer Dr. Ray Wang,

Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University

Phone:  + 886 - 2- 8237-7238

Email: cyhung@nccu.edu.tw, Ms Chiang



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