- Michael Jensen, 2021.06, 'Illiberal Media in Liberal Democracy: Examining Identity in Australia’s Mandarin Language News, ' Issues & Studies, Vol.57, No.2, pp.1-35.(SCOPUS)
- 陳至潔*, 2021.04, 'China’s Human Rights Foreign Policy in the Xi Jinping Era: Normative Revisionism Shrouded in Discursive Moderation, ' British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Vol.23, No.2, pp.228-247.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- 陳至潔*, 2018.02, 'Double-Speaking Human Rights: Analyzing Human Rights Conception in Chinese Politics (1989-2015), ' Journal of Contemporary China, Vol.27, No.112, pp.534-553.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- Eran Shor, 2017.05, 'Counterterrorist Legislation and Respect for Civil Liberties: An Inevitable Collision?, ' Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, Vol.41, No.5, pp.339-364.(SSCI)
- 陳至潔*, 2016.03, '建構相互主觀的想像體:剖析冷戰起源時期的國際關係研究所及其中 國研究(1953-1975), ' 人文及社會科學集刊, Vol.28, No.1, pp.61-104.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- Titus C. Chen*, 2014.03, 'The Cold War origin of China-U.S. Conference on Contemporary China: A Strange Legacy of Chen-Tsai Wu and John King Fairbank in Trans-Pacific China Studies, ' Issues and Studies, Vol.50, No.1, pp.30-50.(*為通訊作者)
- 陳至潔*, 2013.08, '改革開放以降における中国の人権ガバナンスの変遷:権威主義体制の優美なお飾り, ' 問題と研究, Vol.42, No.2, pp.139-178.(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
- 洪祿淵;陳至潔, 2012.08, ' 中俄否決安理會對敘利亞決議案的分析, ' 戰略安全研析, Vol.0, No.88, pp.48-57.
- 陳宥任;陳至潔, 2012.06, ' 「烏坎事件」總結及對民進黨的意義, ' 新社會, Vol.0, No.21, pp.45-48.
- 陳至潔, 2012.06, 'Recalibrating the measure of justice: Beijing''s effort to recentralize judiciary, ' Journal of Contemporary China, Vol.21, No.75, pp.499-518.(SSCI)
- Rana S. Inboden*;陳至潔, 2012.05, 'China''s Response to International Normative Pressure: The Case of Human Rights, ' International Spectator: Italian Journal of International Affairs, Vol.47, No.2, pp.43-55.(CSA)(*為通訊作者)
- 陳至潔, 2012.04, 'Recalibrating the Measure of Justice: Beijing’s Effort to Recentralize Judiciary, ' Journal of Contemporary China, Vol.21, No.75, pp.499-518.(SSCI)
- 陳至潔;Rana Siu Inboden, 2012.02, 'China’s Response to International Human Rights Pressure, 1989-2009, ' The International Spectator: Italian Journal of International Affairs, Vol.47, No.2, pp.45-57.
- 陳至潔, 2011.12, ' 司法改革改了誰?, ' 新社會, Vol.0, No.17, pp.45-56.
- 陳至潔, 2011.07, '歐盟的中國焦慮症, ' 戰略安全研析, Vol.0, No.75, pp.60-68. 參考連結
- 陳至潔, 2011.03, ' 中國對茉莉花革命的態度與政策, ' 戰略安全研析, Vol.0, No.71, pp.36-43.
- 陳至潔, 2010.09, ' 重鑄紅色天平: 中國司法改革的政治邏輯及其對人權的影響, ' 政治科學論叢, Vol.0, No.45, pp.69-106.(TSSCI)
- 陳至潔, 2010.09, '重鑄紅色天平: 中國司法改革的政治邏輯及其對人權的影響, ' 政治科學論叢, No.45.(TSSCI)
- 陳至潔, 2010.06, 'China''s Reaction to the Color Revolutions: Adaptive Authoritarianism in Full Swing, ' Asian Perspective, Vol.34, No.2.(SSCI)
- 陳至潔, 2010.04, 'China’s Response to Color Revolutions: Adaptive Authoritarianism in Full Swing, ' Asian Perspective, Vol.34, No.2, pp.5-51.
- 陳至潔, 2013.04, 'The Cold War Origin of Sino-American Conference of Mainland China: A Strange Legacy of John K. Fairbank, CHIANG Ching-Kuo, and Chen-Tsai Wu, ' 「在知識與權力之間:轉變中的智庫」國際研討會, 政治大學國際關係研究中心.
- 陳至潔, 2012.12, 'Juggling Material Prowess and Ideational Paucity: China’s Lopsided Foreign Policy and Its Prospects after Leadership Change, ' The 43rd Taiwan-US Symposium on Contemporary China, 政治大學國際關係研究中心.
- 陳至潔, 2012.12, 'Breaking Through the Ban on Human Rights? Pursuing Human Dignity for the Chinese State (1970s – 1980s), ' 「中國人權的台灣與國際參與: 一個跨學科的研究計畫」 國際研討會, 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心、澳門大學政治與公共行政學系.
- 陳至潔, 2012.06, 'Taming the Leviathan or Straitjacketing the Norm? Examining China’s Policy to the Emerging Norm of Responsibility to Protect (R to P), ' Protecting Human Rights: Duties and Responsibilities of States and Non-State Actors, ISA, APSA, IPSA.
- 陳至潔, 2012.04, 'Revisiting China’s Human Rights Policy in the 1980s: Identity Shift, Interest Reformation, and Image Construction, ' Power, Principles and Participation in the Global Information Age, ISA.
- 陳至潔, 2010.09, 'China’s Rising Influence in Global Human Rights Regimes, ' Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, APSA.
- 陳至潔, 2010.09, 'China’s Reaction to the Color Revolutions: Adaptive Authoritarianism in Full Swing, ' The Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, APSA.
- 陳至潔, 2010.05, 'Recalibrating the Measure of Justice: Beijing’s Effort to Recentralize Judiciary and Its Implications to Human Rights, ' The 12nd Annual Meeting of Overseas Young Chinese Forum (OYCF), Overseas Young Chinese Forum.
- 陳至潔, 2008.01, 'Law, Regime Security, and Global Norm: the Uneven Result of China’s Socialization by International Rule-of-Law Engagement, ' The 4th Annual Graduate Seminar on China, Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation, Hong Kong..
- 陳至潔*, 2022.06, 'The Making of A Neo-Propaganda State: China’s Social Media under Xi Jinping, ' China Studies, Brill.(*為通訊作者)
- 陳至潔*, 2015.07, 'International Engagement in China’s Human Rights, ' China Policy Series, Routledge.(*為通訊作者)
- 陳至潔*, 2015.06, '法治的侷限與希望--中國大陸改革進程中的台灣、宗教與人權因素, ' 元照.(*為通訊作者)
- 陳至潔, 2009.03, ' Extraterritoriality: Expanding Exclusive Internal Jurisdiction.” In Wayne Sandholtz and Kendall Stiles (Ed.), International Norms and Cycles of Change, ' Oxford Press.
- 陳至潔, 2009, 'Extraterritoriality: Expanding Exclusive Internal Jurisdiction, ' International Norms and Cycles of Change, Oxford University Press.
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- 中國與聯合國人權建制的相互建構
- 陳至潔
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- 國際關係研究中心
- 2024年11月 ~ 2025年07月
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