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蕭琇安 副研究員
職稱 副研究員
直撥電話 82377352
校內分機 77352
電子郵件 ahsiao69@nccu.edu.tw
類別 專任
研究專長 國際法、國際組織、兩岸關係、歐盟對外關係
  • 蕭琇安*, 2019.03, 'Unilateral Actions and the Rule of Law in Maritime Boundary Disputes, ' Asian Yearbook of International Law, Vol.22, pp.237-254.(DILA-Korea)(*為通訊作者)
  • 蕭琇安*, 2018.07, 'Taiwan’s South China Sea Policy Posture, One Year after the Philippines vs. China Arbitral Award, ' Global Taiwan Brief, Vol.2, No.32, pp.1 page.(*為通訊作者)
  • 蕭琇安*, 2017.06, 'The South China Sea Arbitration and Taiwan's Claim: Legal and Political Implications, ' Journal of Chinese Political Science (SSCI), Vol.22, No.1, pp.1-18.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 蕭琇安*, 2016.12, '論南海仲裁庭對UNCLOS 第121(3)條相關法律解釋與適用之影響, ' 台灣國際法季刊, Vol.13, No.4, pp.85-106.(法源、華藝)(*為通訊作者)
  • 蕭琇安*, 2016.12, 'Taiwan and the Arbitral Tribunal's Ruling: Responses and Future Challenges, ' Contemporary Southeast Asia (SSCI), Vol.38, No.3, pp.362-368.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 蕭琇安*, 2016.06, 'China and the South China Sea “Lawfare”, ' Issues & Studies (SCOPUS), Vol.52, No.2, pp.42 pages.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
  • 蕭琇安*, 2016.03, '論菲中南海仲裁案(The Philippines v China Arbitration on the South China Sea Disputes), ' 問題與研究 (TSSCI), Vol.55, No.1, pp.123-136.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 蕭琇安*, 2015.12, '菲中仲裁案初步裁決對南海爭端解決選項之啟發 (Rethinking Options for Settling the South China Sea Dispute in light of the Philippines vs China Arbitral Award on Jurisdiction and Admissibility), ' 中華國際法與超國界法評論, Vol.11, No.2, pp.277-302.(法源、華藝)(*為通訊作者)
  • 蕭琇安, 2011.03, 'The International Legal Status of Unrecognized Claimants to Statehood: A Comparative Analysis of Taiwan and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Issues and Studies, Vol. 47, No. 1 (SSCI), ' Issues and Studies, Vol.47, No.1, pp.1-55.(SSCI)
  • 蕭琇安, 2008.06, '二○○七年我國參與國際組織概況, ' 中華國際法與超國界法律評論, Vol.4, No.1, pp.253-266.
  • 蕭琇安, 2008.05, 'Some Thoughts on Taiwan''s "UN Referendums" that Failed to Represent the Public Will,, ' Taiwan Perspective E-Paper,,.
  • 蕭琇安, 2008.03, '轉變國際秩序下「中立」概念之地位,, ' 問題與研究, Vol.47, No.1, pp.29-54.(TSSCI)
  • 蕭琇安, 2007.01, '『國際法「禁止使用武力原則」(Non-Use of Force Principle)與台海兩岸關係』,, ' 問題與研究, Vol.46, No.1, pp.149-166.(TSSCI)
  • 蕭琇安, 2006.01, 'WMD and Taiwan, ' Pacific Forum CSIS Issue and Insights, Vol.6, No.4, pp.25-29.
  • 蕭琇安, 2005.01, 'Improving Fundamental Understandings in Cross-Strait Relations, ' Pacific Forum CSIS Issue and Insights, Vol.6, No.3, pp.27-30.
  • 蕭琇安*, 2023.05, 'G7, 北約與印太安全, ' G7、美日韓峰會與中戰略對抗研討會, 國策研究院.(*為通訊作者)
  • 蕭琇安*, 2021.11, 'Toward an EU Indo-Pacific Strategy: Observations on the Interpretations and Reactions from China, ' The European Union and the Indo-Pacific in the Age of US-China Global Competition, IIR NCCU and University of Warsaw.(*為通訊作者)
  • 蕭琇安*, 2021.04, '從Global Britain報告解析英國的涉外戰略內涵, '.(*為通訊作者)
  • 蕭琇安*, 2021.04, '拜登政府下的美英關係展望, ' 從Global Britain報告解析英國的涉外戰略內涵, 遠景基金會.(*為通訊作者)
  • 蕭琇安*, 2021.03, '南海局勢展望, ' 中共兩會, 兩強與兩岸座談會, 國策研究院.(*為通訊作者)
  • 蕭琇安*, 2020.05, 'US, China and the 2020 Taiwan Presidential Election, ' Roundtable on Recent Developments in the Korean Peninsula and Implications for Cross-Straits Relations, Sejoin Institute.(*為通訊作者)
  • 蕭琇安*, 2020.03, 'The Efficacy of the US Freedom of Navigation Operations in the South China Sea, ' Maritime Security and Blue Economy, ECR Group, pp.5p.(*為通訊作者)
  • 蕭琇安*, 2017.11, '從習近平十九大報告觀察中共對台政策的轉變, ' 陸委會北北基學者座談, 台大大陸研究中心.(*為通訊作者)
  • 蕭琇安*, 2013.06, '海洋爭端之解決:以歐盟經驗為例, ' 2013年第三次台灣歐盟論壇「南海風雲:歐洲聯盟的海市及漁政經驗與借鏡」, 台灣歐盟論壇.(*為通訊作者)
  • 蕭琇安*, 2013.06, 'Unilateral Actions and the Rule of Law in Maritime Boundary Disputes, ' International Symposium on Peaceful Use of the Sea and Maritime Cooperation, Zhejiang University Center for Ocean Law and Governance.(*為通訊作者)
  • Anne Hsiu-An Hsiao*;Chengyi Lin, 2013.01, 'Taiwan’s Evolving Policy towards the South China Sea Dispute, 1999-2012, ' The South China Sea Dispute (出版中), Asia-Pacific Area Studies, Academia Sinica (Taipei) & East-West Center (Honolulu, US).(*為通訊作者)
  • 蕭琇安*, 2012, '國際法「保護責任」之規範形成與歐盟角色, ' 歐盟與國際法秩序研討會, 中央研究院歐美研究所.(*為通訊作者)
  • 蕭琇安, 2011.05, 'China''s Approach toward the South China Sea Disputes, ' 2011 International Law Association Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, Chinese (Taiwan) Society of International Law.
  • 蕭琇安, 2010.05, 'International Responses to Taiwan''s Quest for International Space, '.
  • 蕭琇安, 2010.01, '聯合國下之美歐互動, '.
  • 蕭琇安, 2009.05, 'China''s South China Sea Strategy:Observations on Recent Developments, '.
  • 蕭琇安, 2009.05, '南海領土爭議: 對中國戰略演變之觀察, '.
  • 蕭琇安, 2009.01, '對兩岸推動南海科研可能性之初探, '.
  • 蕭琇安, 2008, 'The European Union, Kosovo Independence and the Cross-Strait Relations, '.
  • 蕭琇安, 2007.12, '2007年我國參與國際組織概況, ' 中華民國國際法學會九十六年年會暨『超國界法律問題』學術研討會, 中華民國國際法學會. 參考連結
  • 蕭琇安, 2007.12, 'The European Union and the Independence of Montenegro: Implications for Cross-Strait Relations, ' The 24th Taiwan-European Conference, 7~8 December, 2007, The Academy for Political Education. 參考連結
  • 蕭琇安, 2007.12, '瑞士外交政策發展經驗, ' 中小型國家外交模式─台灣外交發展的借鏡學術研討會,2007年12月1日. 參考連結
  • 蕭琇安, 2007.05, '核子安全與國際法, ' 轉型中的國際安全戰略研討會. 參考連結
  • 蕭琇安, 2006.12, '“Some Preliminary Reflection on EU’s Role in the Montenegrin Independence and Its Implications”, ' Taiwan-European Conference on "The Emerging Global Role and Tasks fo the European Union", 政治大學國際關係研究中心歐盟論壇.
  • 蕭琇安, 2006.04, '『新國際秩序下的中立概念』, ' 中立概念在國際關係中的理論與實踐:對台灣的意涵, 台灣大學政治系.
  • 蕭琇安, 2005.11, 'Current Development of Taiwan''s Domestic Politics, ' 第十四屆「台北-首爾論壇」國際研討會, 政大國關中心.
  • 蕭琇安, 2004.12, '國際法非武力使用原則與台海兩岸軍事關係, ' 中國國際法年會暨「超國界法律問題」學術研討會, 中國國際法學會第93屆年會. 參考連結
  • 蕭琇安, 2003.03, 'On the Fringe of Statehood - Para-Statal Actors in International Law, ' Ph.D. Thesis, 倫敦政經學院(LSE).
  • 蕭琇安*, 2017.08, '論南海仲裁庭對UNCLOS地121(3)條相關法律解釋與適用之影響, ' 國際法與國內法的一元論(上冊), 瑞興出版社, pp.541-572.(*為通訊作者)
  • 蕭琇安*;林正義, 2016.12, '“Taiwan’s Evolving Policy towards the South China Sea Dispute: 1992-2016" (SSCI journal peer reviewed), ' The South China Sea Dispute: Navigating Diplomatic and Strategic Tensions, ed. Ian Storey, ISEAS–Yusof Ishak Institute, pp.74-103.(*為通訊作者)
  • 蕭琇安*, 2013.10, '南海資源衝突管理:近期國際法案例之啟示, ' 愛國學人:紀念丘宏達教授學術研討會會議實錄暨論文集, 三民, pp.796-814.(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
  • 蕭琇安, 2011.03, '從近期南海主權相關爭議觀察中共戰略之轉變, ' 領土爭端與民族認同危機案例研究, 政大國關中心, pp.99-122.
  • 蕭琇安, 2008.01, '核子安全與國際法, ' 轉型中的國際安全戰略. 參考連結
  • 蕭琇安, 2000.05, '對台灣國際法地位之再省思, ' 「兩國論」與台灣國家定位, 學林.
  • 蕭琇安, 2009, '保護責任: 國際法下的意含, 影響與規範形成之挑戰, '.
  • 蕭琇安*, 2020.03, 'Taiwan’s 2020 Presidential Election: A Show of Resolute to Democracy and Freedom, '.(*為通訊作者)
  • 蕭琇安*, 2019.12, '美國南海「航行自由」之成效, '.(*為通訊作者)
  • 蕭琇安*, 2019.05, 'US, China and the 2020 Taiwan Presidential Election, '.(*為通訊作者)
  • 蕭琇安*, 2017.08, 'Taiwan’s South China Sea Policy Posture, One Year after the Philippines vs. China Arbitral Award, '.(*為通訊作者)
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